Read to join?

Before joining our community, you must agree to our community rules.

Please carefully read and agree to the following rules and guidelines before applying to be a member of our community:

1. Respect for All Members:
Treat every member of the IYKYK community with kindness, respect, and consideration. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of bullying will not be tolerated.

2. Cleanliness and Responsibility:
Help maintain the cleanliness of our IYKYK community space. Participate in cleaning activities when required, and dispose of your waste properly.

3. Responsible Alcohol and Substance Use:
If you choose to consume alcohol or other substances, do so responsibly and be mindful of your own limits. Never pressure others into using substances.

4. Safety and Wellness:
If you notice any member in distress or needing assistance within the IYKYK community, reach out and provide help or inform the event organizers immediately.

5. No Weapons:
The possession or use of weapons, including firearms and sharp objects, is strictly prohibited within the IYKYK community.

6. Consent and Boundaries:
Always ask for and respect the personal boundaries and consent of others. Consent is key to ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all in IYKYK.